It’s books….that’s why you are here. Like me, you love to read, feel it is essential to living. Maybe, like me, you want to see into the minds of people who write. Where to they find a story, how do they create a character?
No matter what you read or what you have heard…..There are no rule on how to write. Sometimes it comes easily, the words seem to flow from my fingers onto the computer screen. Sometimes its like drilling rock and then blasting it out with charges. I go through a long phase of drilling before the story comes out. Right now I am waiting for my publisher, Allium Press, to complete edits on my novel. Meanwhile I have taken a short story On Patrol, the one that introduced my character and eventually became a novel, and decided to polish it up. When I began the book, I use the short story as a prologue. Agents, editors told me to drop the prologue and just start the novel. It took me a long time before I could let it go. They were right. But I thought polishing it up, putting it out, might let all of you meet Garrett Lyons. He’s quite a guy. More about him later.